viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Technology in evolution research


The evolution research start just with observation, because of a theory based on a world wide travel that reveals the huge diversity of species and sub-species between different places, and made them question “why so much diversity?” and they develop a theory, but this theory, as I already said, it was based just in observation, and because of that a lot of people on that days doesn’t think it was possible that all of us “came” from the same unique first organism.

Now, the progress of this research depends a lot of technology, for example, they need to determinate de age of the archaeological founds to know the relation with it lost environment.

Radioactivity on evolution research

To determinate de age of fossils or other archaeological discoveries, they use the half life of some radioactive isotopes to calculate how old is that they found. The most common is C14, but it got a limit of years, so the oldest things must be determinate with other elements. The last research in this area says that this techniques are not enough to have an exactly data.

Some computer software are used to confirm hypothesis

There are some computer software that are really useful to compare parts of some bones like the skull comparison that it was used to confirm the neoteny hypothesis, where some investigators use some points of the skull of human, juvenile and adult Pan (chimpanzee), and other primates and using a software they saw that the human skull it seems a lot to the juvenile Pan, but not with the adult.

Body reconstruction with parts

Most of times the archaeologist can’t found the full body, and they must use the parts that they found to made a reconstruction and have a near image of what they’re looking for. In this case they use computers, draw techniques, and other things to make sure that the reconstruction is similar and credible.


The contribution of physical therapist on evolution research

The physical therapist has a long knowledge of the biomechanics and the anatomy. So when the investigators are trying to know about the habits and the environment of a civilization, we as physical therapist are really useful, because we know about the changes on the musculoskeletal system because of different uses or activities, and the changes on the bone when the muscles are overused. As an example, the bone remains of Chonos got the sites of insertion of lattisumus dorsi longer than the norm, that’s because they live on canoes and need to use this muscles all day.

viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2009


My discipline is physical therapy, and I think there’s a lot of challenges in this career, I mean that in general people don’t know very well what a physical therapist really does, and that I think is because the public health system hasn’t integrated us in the right way.

About technology, I’m not sure what to think, because like a romantic way, It’s beautiful the treatment when it is all just done with our hands. But obviously the contributions of technology in diagnosis and in the effects and speed of treatments are questionless. Now, about the unequal distribution of the technology devices in the different hospitals or between hospitals and private clinics, I have to say that it’s very unfair, the high quality treatments must be able to every single person as a right, the right of a good life quality, and that don’t have any price.

When I think about the way that this university is training us for been physical therapist, I see that they are responding to the expectations that the society have about the University of Chile. But there’s a lot of universities that teach physical therapy, even without the complete accreditation, so In that way I think it’s an irresponsible attitude, added to this, some universities based they interest just in money, and not in what really matters, “the society compromise” that they assume giving a health science career, and that needs a solid ethic base that I think some privates universities doesn’t have.

I think the solution of the challenges about technology, education, and the Chilean health system, is to make all of this systems free, and with free access to people. But this is not enough, we need to improve the quality in technology, for example and level all the health places with the highest available technology that exist. After that, it’s necessary to make sure that the physical therapist that are working are the best and that is made with a huge improvement of the educational system.

As a conclusion I must say that now with the careless governments we are all paying the price of their failures.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009


Well, right now I don’t have many hobbies, because I don’t have much time to it. But I still practicing some sports, like soccer or table tennis, and I can still enjoying some movies witch is one of my favorite hobbies. In general, I prefer the activities outside my house, and with other persons, like go to the swimming pool, or meet some friends to play games or whatever we invent there.

Another game that I used to play, and I like it very much, is billiard. In some part of my life, about five years ago, I went to the billiard place like three or four times per week, with the same group of friends, but know I just can go one or two times per month. I want to talk a little more about my experience with billiard, the first time I played was when I have fourteen years, and my bigger brother takes me and teaches me the basic things. Two years from there I started to play more often and more often, until I get to the period I already mention. On that time I saw how my fiends and I improve our skills a lot, but in some point we stopped the progress, I think we were near to our maximum level. That coincided with the time we leave the school, and with my first enter to the University, so we start to play less often, and to lose our skills.

Now, about my movie-related hobby, I got a lot to say. First I want to say that I receive my movie taste in first case by my dad, because he knows a lot about films and he teaches me when I was younger. Know I have my own taste, but I can’t say it’s not influenced by him. I try to see a minimum of one movie by week, but I can’t always do it.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2009

holiday destination

When I’m going on vacations I prefer the places with long natural extensions than the big cities because I like to walk log distance by the hills or along rivers. For example I prefer to visit the hide places on america than visit the big cities of europe. In general, I like the great forest, and the jungle, but I’ve never been there, I hope that I can go this summer to the Ecuatorial part of the amazonas. I also like the beach, and I already know a lot of good beaches in chile, peru and argentina.

The first place that I remember where I have a great time, is the sun island, on the midle of the bolivian side of titi-caca lake. This island was one of the places that the Incas use to improve they agriculture knowledge, and to develop the religion rituals.

I like this place because you can walk the complete island, I mean side to side in less than one day, but with lots of places where you can make camp, and enjoy the huge lake. Another thing that I like of the sun island is the weather, because the day is mostly clear with intense sun, but in the night, there almost always an impresive electric storm, that make more beautiful the look of the inca ruins.

For the next summer I got plans to visit Ecuador, because I like the beach, and some friends told me that in Ecuador are the best beaches of the pacific ocean, so I want to know if thats true. I also like the jungle, and Ecuador has it too, so maybe this is my chance to know the amazonas. I’m going to travel with my girlfriend, just like the last three years, and maybe with a group of friends that we meet on machu-pichu on the last summer.

I got four friends that travel to Ecuador like two years ago, and they give me a notebook where they writte all the cheapest places to stay and to eat, so I think I’m lucky because I wouldn’t have to worry about searching hotels or restaurants.

viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009

what treatments work for neck pain

The article about neck pain uses a physical therapy point of view for describes a lot of ways to treat the neck pain.
The first way is mobilisation, what and in a few words, is to improve the movement of the neck joints. this must be done by a physical therapist. some reserch says that this treatment sometimes produce hedaches or more pain.
Manipulation by a chiropractor is other way that appears in the article and consist in a quick move of the neck joints that release the pain. But in 1 of 20 persons it was counter-productive and causes more pain.
Directed exercise, It's also a good way of treatment, the goal is to improve the flexibility of the neck muscles with strengthening exercises. this is better for people with chronic neck pain.
If we combine the treatments that I've said before, we can get better results, and studys have found that manipulation and exercise is the better combination.
there are also some alternative ways of treatment like acupunture. Acupunture is a legendary chinese technique that consist in put needles in specific points, but it's not realy sure how can this help to reduce the pain.
The doctors also recomends drugs for neck pain treatment, using anti-inflamators, painkillers, muscle relaxants and antidepressants.
There are other pain paliatives like TENS. TENS is the use of electric nerve stimulation.
The article talks about special pillows too, but with no studys that confirms it's useful.
as a conclution I can say that in first way, we must see a doctor when we have a serious or reiterative neck pain, because exist a lot of tratments that we can take to get better.
This is the link of the article

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

about transantiago

Well, I think that transantiago is not so bad, but I agree that it has many problems that need to be fixed now. I also know that my opinion is based on my experience, and I think I have been very lucky because when I talk with other person about this topic, they always tell me about waiting for hours or something like that.
The transantiago is better than the old system in many ways: The school students are not discriminated now. The people that needs to take more than one bus just pay one time, and the use of a tarjet to pay its much more clean and fast than coins. But in other points of reference it’s worse than the yellow buses, because sometimes force people to take 3 or 4 combinations when is not necesary.
In my experience, I can say that it always help me. When it started, I studied in JGM and it was even much easier to go there from my house than with the old system. And now I can say the same thing.
In my opinion it must get better the frecuency and the prices must reduce, maybe untill make it free, because most of times we use public transport as an obligation, and also because in a free system, maybe some people start to leave the car at home, and reduces the polution. The last thing is the use of green technologies for the public transport, maybe electric buses, troleis, etc.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit many countries for diferent reasons. In first way, I would like to travel for vacations to Turkey, just because I’ve seen some pictures and it seems really beautiful.

Besides that, I want to travel along the pacific coast, to finaly get to Ecuador, because I like the jungle and the beach, so I think its the right place to visit. That’s why I am trying to make some Money before the summer.

The reason for want to visit the places that I have mention before, is vacation, but I also want to live and study out of chile for a while. One of the countries I would like to live in is England, but not in london, I don’t like the great cities. Anyway, even I want to live there, I also want to come back sometime. I haven’t look for information about going outside it, because I want to finish my career fisrt on this university.

I also heard about some schoolarchips to finish physical therapy on Barcelona and I think it is a very good option to complement the theory that I’m learning here with the experience of work in a free health system.