viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009


Well, right now I don’t have many hobbies, because I don’t have much time to it. But I still practicing some sports, like soccer or table tennis, and I can still enjoying some movies witch is one of my favorite hobbies. In general, I prefer the activities outside my house, and with other persons, like go to the swimming pool, or meet some friends to play games or whatever we invent there.

Another game that I used to play, and I like it very much, is billiard. In some part of my life, about five years ago, I went to the billiard place like three or four times per week, with the same group of friends, but know I just can go one or two times per month. I want to talk a little more about my experience with billiard, the first time I played was when I have fourteen years, and my bigger brother takes me and teaches me the basic things. Two years from there I started to play more often and more often, until I get to the period I already mention. On that time I saw how my fiends and I improve our skills a lot, but in some point we stopped the progress, I think we were near to our maximum level. That coincided with the time we leave the school, and with my first enter to the University, so we start to play less often, and to lose our skills.

Now, about my movie-related hobby, I got a lot to say. First I want to say that I receive my movie taste in first case by my dad, because he knows a lot about films and he teaches me when I was younger. Know I have my own taste, but I can’t say it’s not influenced by him. I try to see a minimum of one movie by week, but I can’t always do it.

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